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How Do You Deal With A Dental Emergency While Travelling?

Dental Emergency

If a dental problem demands immediate treatment to relieve pain, stop bleeding or save a tooth, including life-threatening dental infections, it is a dental emergency. If you experience any of these, you should visit your dentist without delay to receive timely emergency dental treatment and care. But what if you experience any of these problems while travelling? Here are some handy tips that you can use when you experience dental problems while on the move – we have covered eight common dental emergencies and tips to deal with each one.

1. Lost Filling

If you lose a tooth filling while eating during your trip, don’t get anxious; instead, follow below steps:

  • Gently remove any food debris stuck inside the tooth and rinse off.
  • Avoid eating from the affected side of your mouth. Usually, you can use both sides or only the left or right side of your mouth.
  • Upon arriving at your destination, you can visit the nearest emergency dental clinic. And it’s even better if you can adjust eating with only one side of your mouth until you get back home and see your dentist.

2. Toothache

If you experience toothache while flying, don’t worry, as it is caused by the imbalances in the air pressure, which will vanish after you land. If the toothache continues, it will need care, irrespective of how mild or severe the pain is.

Here are handy tips to alleviate tooth pain while you’re on a trip!

  • Remember to carry a painkiller with you when travelling. You can take pain relief medication whenever you experience tooth pain after having some light snack. Preferably, you should bring only painkillers prescribed by your dentist to make sure they won’t counteract any other medication you are taking or impact existing medical conditions. If you don’t have a prescribed pain reliever with you, then take a Paracetamol 500 mg for milder toothache or 650 mg for severe tooth pain for adults and children 12 years and over.
  • Remember to brush and floss your teeth properly twice a day. Food debris can often get stuck under your gums, causing significant discomfort.
  • Visit the nearby emergency dental clinic if the pain continues to persist. And if the pain eases up, ensure visiting your dentist once you reach your home to diagnose and treat its root cause before it gets severe.

3. Broken Dentures

Are your dentures getting loose or damaged? Never try to repair them yourself. It is vital to visit a nearby emergency dentist to perform minor repairs or adjustments.

4. Knocked-out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth calls for urgent care. Here are the things that you need to do:

  • Hold the tooth by the top area or the crown and lift it without touching its root.
  • Rinse off the tooth tenderly with saliva or milk but do not use tap water. Avoid scrubbing or removing anything fixed to it.
  • Next, lay it in a washcloth or towel before placing it in a clean container. If you are confident enough, you can put your tooth back into its socket after rinsing it by holding it tenderly in place while biting down.
  • Book an appointment with your dentist at the earliest. It is vital to visit your dentist as soon as possible to save the knocked-out tooth. If you wait long enough, it could reduce the possibility of successful replantation.

5. Loose Tooth

If you discover a loose tooth, call your dentist right away. In the interim, try to place back the tooth in its socket with your finger. Gently bite down to avoid the tooth from moving.

6. Chipped, Cracked or Fractured Tooth

If a chipped tooth does not cause pain, it is not a dental emergency; however, be careful while eating and avoid chipping it further. If pain accompanies it, then you need to schedule an appointment with your dentist.

Conversely, a cracked and fractured tooth is a dental emergency, as it indicates damage to the affected tooth on the inside or outside, or both. It may not be possible to save the tooth if it has severe fractures. Call an emergency dentist and immediately follow the below steps.

  • Use warm water to rinse your mouth.
  • If the fracture has occurred due to facial trauma, apply a cold compress to the affected part. It will help lessen the swelling.
  • Take a prescribed painkiller. In the absence of prescribed pain relief medication, you can take Paracetamol 650 mg for a single (one time) dose with a cup of milk (not too hot or too cold – room temperature is ideal).

7. Tissue Injury

Puncture wounds, lacerations and tears in your lips, tongue, cheeks, or mouth are all dental emergencies. When these tissue injuries are ignored or untreated, it can lead to severe complications, especially lasting bleeding. Clean the area with warm water. Use gauze to place pressure on the wound, and visit an emergency dental clinic at the earliest opportunity.

8. Abscessed Tooth

A dental abscess is a dental emergency and requires immediate dental treatment. It can also result in a life-threatening condition. It involves the existence of a cavity of pus in your tooth that can lead to an infection, which can spread into its surrounding tissues and your jaw. It may cause facial swelling, a persistent toothache, tender lymph nodes, tooth sensitivity and fever. Without delay, visit an emergency dental clinic, and in the absence of a dentist, get to an emergency department.

The Bottom Line

Avoid dental emergencies by taking good care of your teeth. Follow a good oral hygiene routine and visit your dentist at least once every six months for routine examination of your teeth. Prevention is always better than cure!

If you’re visiting Kings Langley in Sydney, Kings Family Dental Centre is your best solution for a dental emergency. Call us on 02 9674 3491 for emergency dental treatment, and it will be our pleasure to serve you!

Also Read: How Do I Select An Emergency Dentist?