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Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Pros and Cons

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are permanent teeth that grow after a certain age. They generally grow between the ages of 17-25. It is not necessary that everyone has wisdom teeth. Some people may never develop them. In contrast, others have perfectly normal wisdom teeth causing no problems at all. 

On the other hand, many people may grow impacted wisdom teeth which cause unbearable pain. These teeth grow at such an angle that causes discomfort and overcrowding in the mouth. In worst scenarios, impacted wisdom teeth may not develop completely and only appear partially. 

Problems Caused Due To Impacted Wisdom Teeth

  • Unbearable Pain 
  • Food particles and debris stuck behind the affected wisdom tooth
  • Possibilities of infections and gum diseases
  • Tooth decay
  • Infections in neighbouring tooth
  • Cyst development around the impacted wisdom tooth

Hence, it is necessary to remove your wisdom tooth to get relief from extreme pain caused due to impacted wisdom teeth. Here are some of the pros and cons of the wisdom tooth removal procedure.


  • Reduces Pain & Discomfort

One of the most significant benefits of wisdom teeth removal is it can help to reduce pain and discomfort from misalignment. It can be excruciating if your wisdom teeth have grown against another tooth or an angle. Removing your wisdom teeth can reduce the potential risks and help you feel more comfortable.

  • Helps To Prevent Infection 

Another advantage of wisdom tooth extraction is it can improve your dental health by protecting you against infection and gum diseases. Your wisdom teeth can cause infections and abscesses if they aren’t removed. You may need antibiotics and even surgery to treat them.

  • Reduces Crowding

There are 44% chances that your wisdom teeth will sprout at an angle. Hence they may push the neighbouring teeth and may also grow their roots into them. This results in teeth crowding and may also misalign the teeth structure of your mouth. Not only this, but it may also stick food particles, plaque and debris between the molars, which ultimately causes tooth decay. If you don’t remove your wisdom teeth, you may need braces to solve the problem.

  • Easy Oral Care

Wisdom teeth are located towards the back of your mouth; hence, they are difficult to access with your toothbrush and dental floss. This simply means that wisdom teeth can gather acids, bacteria, and food debris over a period of time. This can lead to infections, cavities, and bad breath in the gums. With wisdom tooth extraction, you just don’t have to take care of them.


  • May Cause Surgical Complications

Infection is one of the most common complications that happen after wisdom teeth removal, especially for patients above 26 years of age or tobacco users. But by regularly rinsing the affected area, the risk can be reduced. Also, after the wisdom tooth extraction, you shouldn’t use the straw for drinking fluids. Avoid spitting and smoking. It can cause a dry socket condition where a blood clot doesn’t form or fall out prematurely. Hence, the socket is open to bacteria and food particles. This causes extreme pain, but it can be solved after a few days.

  • Needs Anaesthesia

The wisdom teeth extraction process needs anaesthesia. If you have ever experienced any complications with anaesthesia in the past, you must inform your dentist about the same in advance. It is necessary for you to disclose your medical history to your surgeon. Your dentist will numb your mouth before removing the tooth. If you have any allergic reaction, it may result in more complications.

  • Bleeding & Swelling

Another con of wisdom teeth removal is temporary pain and discomfort for a few days after the procedure is completed. You might experience some bleeding and swelling as well. But all of this is temporary, and you will recover within a few days. 

How To Prepare For A Wisdom Tooth Removal Process

To remove your impacted wisdom teeth, your dentist or surgeon will perform a procedure. Your dentist may suggest you seek an oral surgeon if your wisdom tooth has more complications or needs a deep surgical approach. Your dentist may numb your mouth or affected area to help you feel more comfortable. You need to ask your dentist or surgeon the following questions:

  • How many wisdom teeth will be removed?
  • Which type of anaesthesia will be given?
  • How complex will the procedure be?
  • How long will the procedure be?
  • When can I return to normal activity?
  • How much damage has the impacted wisdom teeth caused to other teeth?
  • Is there any nerve damage?
  • What will be the aftercare?
  • What other dental treatments would be needed after the procedure?


After the wisdom tooth extraction procedure is done, your must follow your dentist’s instructions to quickly heal from your surgery

  • Bleeding

You might experience some bleeding the first day after your wisdom tooth removal. But this will be normal in a few days.

  • Pain 

Your dentist may recommend certain medicines to get relief from the pain that occurs after the procedure. It may be very beneficial, especially if the bone is removed. Also, placing a cold pack against your jaw can relieve your pain to a certain extent. 

  • Swelling

Swelling and brushing may appear as a result of the surgery. You can use ice packs as directed by your dentists to reduce the swelling in your cheeks. The swelling usually improves in 2-3 days, whereas bruising may take more days to recover.

  • Rest

After the surgery is done, you must take adequate rest for the entire day. You can start doing normal activities the next day. But you need to pay more attention to taking aftercare for at least a week.

  • Beverages

Avoid drinking alcohol, caffeinated drinks, or carbonated drinks in the first 24 hours after the surgery. You should avoid using straws for at least a week. This is because sucking can actually cause blood clots from the socket.

  • Food

Don’t eat hard-to-chew food for a few days after the surgery. Instead, gulp soft food such as yogurt or applesauce in the first 24 hours. You can start eating semi-soft food after the pain is bearable. You must avoid hot, spicy, and chewy food that may get stuck in the socket.

  • Regularly Clean Your Mouth

Avoid brushing your teeth or using mouthwash in the first 24 hours after surgery. You shouldn’t even rinse your mouth or spit. You can use a gentle toothbrush, and lukewarm water and salt to rinse your mouth after 24 hours of the surgery.

  • Stitches

    After the procedure is done, you might have stitches that can dissolve in a few weeks or no stitches at all. If you need to get your stitches removed, book an appointment with your dentist to remove them.


Need A Pro Dentist For Your Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

If you are looking for an expert dentist who can help you for the wisdom tooth extraction, Kings Family Dental Centre is the best place to get it done. Our professionals have been serving dental needs for the past 20 years and have always prioritised the comfort and safety of the patients while serving them.

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