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Wisdom Tooth Extraction : Frequently Asked Questions

Wisdom tooth extraction - FAQs

Wisdom teeth are known as third molars and develop after all other teeth have developed. They consist of lower and upper teeth whose function is to grind food as part of the digestive process. Wisdom teeth are positioned at your mouth’s back, adjacent to your second molar and near the entrance to your throat. Between the age of 15 and 20, they fully develop, a time traditionally related to the beginning of maturity and the accomplishment of wisdom. So we should know everything about wisdom tooth extraction.

Here are some frequently asked questions about wisdom teeth extraction that our expert dentists answer in Kings Langley:

Is It Necessary To Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

In most cases, it is not necessary to have your wisdom teeth removed. Unless you develop a life-altering disease process, you don’t have to do anything about it unless you decide to do it. It is not an emergency medical treatment; instead, it is elective. It is best to identify the issues in the early teens and treat them when the impact of the surgery is minimal and their ability to recover is the highest.

What Is The Best Age To Get The Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

If there is insufficient room in your mouth for your third molars to erupt, we recommend having them extracted as soon as they are identified. Some patients may develop such a situation as early as 11 or 12 years, whereas others may not develop it until they reach the age of 17 or 18. Wisdom teeth extraction done at a young age get more predictable final healing with fewer complications than done at an older age.

If I choose to undergo wisdom tooth extraction, when should I get them removed?

You must see that your surgical appointment for wisdom tooth extraction doesn’t clash with your school activities. The summer and school vacations are the most popular time for wisdom teeth removal. However, with proper planning and preparation, any time will work for most people. 

What To Expect On The Day Wisdom Tooth Is Removed?

You can choose whether or not you need sedation (When sedation is administered, the patient will not feel any sensation). Most people opt for sedation so they don’t experience pain while extracting the wisdom tooth. And on the day of the procedure, you’ll have to take medications to help lower post-operative pain and swelling. The patient must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult and stay with the patient for the entire procedure and the rest of the day. The wisdom tooth extraction will take around an hour, and you’ll be in the dental clinic for around one and a half to two hours. Our dental surgical assistants will review your post-operative instructions. And when leaving the dental clinic, you’ll be comfortable but in a drowsy state. We recommend that a parent or responsible adult accompanies the patient in reaching home and stays with the patient for the rest of the day.

What Will It Feel Like Once The Wisdom Tooth Is Removed?

You must follow your post-operative instructions closely, as they will make you most comfortable during the first few days after the wisdom tooth extraction procedure. 

How Much Will Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost Me? 

There are different types of impacted wisdom teeth, and different anesthesia options are available. We can only give you an estimate of our dental services for wisdom tooth extraction once we review your x-rays.

Will My Insurance Cover the Cost of My Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Insurance companies have different policies concerning coverage for a particular dental surgical procedure. You should check with your dental and medical insurance provider to ascertain coverage and out-of-pocket liability.

Kings Family Dental Centre is one of the trusted dental clinics and has the best dentists in Kings Langley. We offer wisdom tooth extraction services and other dental services at cost-effective prices. Contact us at 02 9674 3491 to schedule a dental appointment today.

Also Read: Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Pros and Cons